Shooting Hairstyles With Shep and Tanya

Shepherd, a good friend and excellent photographer, came up with the idea to build a creative team. A core group of photogs, makeup artists, hair stylists, and wardrobe stylists that are committed to each others growth. How cool is that? It's fun to do a shoot. It's way more fun to do a shoot with people that are fired-up and bouncing ideas around.

The creative team has it's own website:

We've been talking about getting the team going for a few months, had a couple of false starts and finally kicked off a shoot. The driver behind this shoot was Tanya O. of Hot Mess Salon. She's now part of the creative team and wanted to submit some work to hair publications. I'm excited to see how her submissions fair.

Below are some (unprocessed) sneak peaks from the shoot. I'll link to Shep's images when there's he's got a URL available.